Boom times are back for high achievers in the consulting sector
The report on salaries in the consulting industry has just recently been published – and confirms what many in the industry have long suspected.
The industry is now polarised between the Haves and the Have Nots.
For those whose skills are in demand, earnings, promotion and bonus prospects have rebounded to the levels seen in the years when the industry was booming. Whilst pay rises have accelerated to 5.6% for those who received one, nearly 4 in 10 consulting professionals received no pay rise this last year. There’s a similar pattern to bonus payments too – with significant bonuses being paid to many, but a sizeable minority receiving no bonus payment at all.
The industry is now polarised between the Haves and the Have Nots.
For those whose skills are in demand, earnings, promotion and bonus prospects have rebounded to the levels seen in the years when the industry was booming. Whilst pay rises have accelerated to 5.6% for those who received one, nearly 4 in 10 consulting professionals received no pay rise this last year. There’s a similar pattern to bonus payments too – with significant bonuses being paid to many, but a sizeable minority receiving no bonus payment at all.